Garbage Management - How to manage wastage in the mountains?

Garbage Management

During all our trips, we bring back of all trash we generate. This garbage is segregated at the source and recycled as well dispose of accordingly.

Did you know how long it takes for these things to bio-degrade?

  1. Banana Peel - 3-4 Weeks
  2. Paper Bag - 1 Month
  3. Cotton Bag - 5 Months
  4. Woolen Socks - 1 yr.
  5. Wood - 5-10 Yrs.
  6. Leather shoe - 40-50 yrs.
  7. Tin Can - 50-100 yrs.
  8. Aluminum Can - 200-500 yrs.
  9. Plastic Bag - 1 Million yrs.
  10. Glass Bottle - Unknown
  11. Styrofoam Cup - Eternity


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